Ortofon 2M Black LVB Stylus
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The 2M Black LVB 250 upgrades the great build of the 2M Black with a boron cantilever and our very own Nano Tube suspension system. The result is a sound so precise and so detailed that you feel like you have let the artist into your house and have them playing right in your living room.
- Frequency response - 20-20.000 Hz + 2 / - 0 dB
- Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force *) - 80 µm
- Compliance, dynamic, lateral - 22 µm/mN
- Stylus type - Nude Shibata on Boron cantilever
- Stylus tip radius - r/R 6/50 µm
- Tracking force range - 1.5-1.7 g (15-17 mN)
- Tracking force, recommended - 1.6 g (16 mN)
- Tracking angle - 20°
- Stylus colour - Black
- *) Typical value
Stylus colour - Black
Stylus lifetime: with proper care we find that up to 1000 hours is possible without degradation of performance. Please read about stylus care on our FAQ.
2M styli interchangeability
2M series styli are interchangeable within the below combinations:
- 2M Red, 2M Blue and 2M Silver
- 2M Bronze, 2M Black and 2M Black LVB 250
- 2M Mono and 2M 78